Contact Both Sides Now by E-Mail


We welcome additions and corrections to our Discography pages. Feel free to send them in to us at any time, but PLEASE tell us the label or page for which you're sending additions or corrections. We will give you an acknowledgment on the page where they are used. Since we have so many pages, we only get around to updating them periodically for each label, so please be patient.

Normally, due to the high volume of mail we get, you won't get an answer from us by e-mail acknowledging your addition or correction, but thanks, and it will eventually be posted.

Please read our FAQ page before you write. For those of you who are living such a fast-paced life that you can't bother spending a few seconds reading the FAQ page, here's some of the highlights:

We are not a record label. We have no back inventory of records for the labels we list. We don't know if specific vinyl records are out on CD or if they ever will be reissued that way. We can't help find your friends who used to work at the record company, and other than what is on our FAQ page, we have no information about the current addresses for people or companies connected with the labels we list. We don't know where any of the masters are today. We don't know who owns what concerning the assets of long-defunct labels. We can't get you back-royalties for your relatives who used to be signed to a record label (and you do have the original contracts before you pursue this, right?). If you ask about these things, we have already answered your e-mail: we don't know.

We are not a licensing company. We have no idea how or from whom to license songs for current CD reissue. Other than what is on our FAQ page, we can't help you track this information down.

We are not a record search service or an on-line record store. We can't find records or CDs for you. We can't tell you what your records are worth and we don't want to buy them off your hands. The only advice we have for finding or pricing records is on our FAQ page.

We are not a music publisher, and we cannot provide MP3s, lyrics, chords, or any other copyrighted material.

No, all the labels in the history of recorded music are not on our web site. Before you write and advise us that (a) we are missing a certain label on our list, (b) you take umbrage at that fact, and (c) you demand to know why such and such a label was "dissed", remember that this is a work in progress. We don't just copy these discographies from someplace, we actually develop them from scratch in most cases. We put up labels as we finish them, and will hopefully eventually get around to the label in question. What you see here has taken five discographers plus numerous other contributors over twenty years to put together. And that's just since we've been on the web, much less the decades of research on paper before that (we all have cabinets filled with paper). All we ask is patience.

The discography section is primarily for albums only, and US-released albums at that. There are a few rare exceptions, and we will often talk about hit singles [with record numbers] in the story of the label. Likewise, we will from time to time list a non-US album under the "Related Albums" or "Related CDs" sections, but we do not normally list all singles or non-US albums. It won't help to send us information about singles you have (either 45 or 78) that you can't find on our site, because we usually don't list singles. We do, however, list the old 1958-1962 stereo singles, whether 45 or 33, and would appreciate info on them we don't have. We also list EPs for certain labels; on the other hand we usually ignore 12" disco singles. If you're looking for singles discographies, we'd suggest you contact Ken Clee at Stak-O-Wax.

So, after telling us what this site is NOT, what the heck IS it? We ARE the biggest provider on the web of free discological information about historical record labels and their album issues. Enjoy.

We have been operating on the web for over twenty years. In that time, it is clear that many people do not take the time to read instructions. If you are one of those, you will probably be reading this now only after sending an e-mail to us and not getting an answer. Try again after reading the instructions. We are not trying to offend you; we're trying to survive and keep this site a free resource. It costs us actual money to make sure we have no popup ads or other annoyances on these pages. We all have real jobs, families, and in short, a life outside of this web site, which is a huge time sink. Each month, we get over a million hits on our pages. As you might imagine, this volume of hits generates a lot of e-mail. We're just trying to answer some of your questions before you have to send an e-mail and take up both your time and ours.

That said, feel free to contact us by email for any other questions or additions and corrections.

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